
Jul 5, 2022

- Grief -


I took some time away from all media...thinking it will help me heal, but I realized that isolating myself and keeping away from all the things I love, only caused me more pain and depression.

On August 2021 I learnt the most cruel lesson in day you are here, next day you might not be...that terrible day, I lost my beloved brother and since then, I havent been able to accept that I will never see him again.

"He is with you" "He will never leave you" "He will always be with you"....LIES...truth is, he is no longer with me, he left me and he will never be with me again...those words are so empty...seems that people can't understand that I can't hug those words, I can't share my things with those words. My brother was always there taking care of me, protecting me...

4 months later, my dad became severely ill. He had been suffering of Dementia for the last 5 years, but even tho his connection with reality had been gone, deep inside his mind, he realized my brother was no longer there and he stopped eating...

We lost my dad on February this year... 

Forgive me I have been away...I think they will want me to continue my life, even tho nothing is the same anymore, I will resume work little by little...

Thank You

SK Moon

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