
Jul 21, 2021

Jinkibum Moments in 2021


From the moment Kibum got discharged, him and Jinki have been filling us with precious Jinkibum moments in this 2021!

Their ship is back to sailing strong!

Here are some of those precious moments so far!

o Kibum gets discharged and meets Jinki o

o "Don't Call Me" Shooting o

o Their VLive Interactions o

o "Atlantis Shooting o

Kibum : "Don't we all look like a Prince?"
Jinki : "Pretty!" (when Kibum is on screen)
Kibum: Smiles and blushes

o Bistro de SHINee o
Special Japan Event

o "Superstar" Shooting o

o Jinkibum & 2Min o

Its still July! Let's wait for more precious moments!

SK Moon

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